Expert Contribution

Considering Rhinoplasty?

Why Now Is a Good Time

It’s 2022 and wearing a mask has become a part of our everyday lives. We have them in our pockets, cars, all over the house and curse them when we see “maskne” developing along our jawline. What we’ve been seeing lately, are savvy patients taking advantage of their required use and hiding recovery from rhinoplasty surgery underneath them. 

Your nose is the most prominent feature on your face, and its shape affects the overall balance (or imbalance) that you see when looking in the mirror. A hereditary dorsal hump, an elongated tip or nose that is too wide is what we see most patients seeking correction for. Often, there are functionality issues or a chin that is recessed and makes the nose appear to be bigger. All these things can be addressed simultaneously, while results continue to showcase some of the most transformational outcomes in patients both emotionally and physically. 

Successful rhinoplasty surgery results from three important steps: 1. The surgeon must first evaluate exactly what the problem is, and which structural aspects of the nose need to be addressed; 2. Next, the surgeon must be able to visualize the right nose and sometimes chin for a particular patient’s face and conceive the most appropriate surgical plan which may include a small, custom silicone chin implant; 3. Lastly, the surgeon must be able to execute that plan both skillfully and artistically. 

Surgery generally takes 60-90 minutes and patients can expect a small amount of pain, bruising and swelling. All of which can be concealed underneath your mask, making your recovery nearly undetectable. Most patients return to in person work after a week. Or, if working from home, even after a day or two. 

The best way to determine if you are a good candidate for nose surgery is to schedule a complimentary in-person or virtual consultation where we can review the procedure together and address all your questions. If you are interested in learning more about rhinoplasty or other cosmetic procedures, please contact our office at 925.736.5757. 

By Dr. Stephen J. Ronan, MD FACS, Blackhawk Plastic Surgery and MedSpa 

About The Author

Cosmetic Surgery
Blackhawk Plastic Surgery and MedSpa
Blackhawk Plastic Surgery and MedSpa

Blackhawk Plastic Surgery has been offering their patients the highest quality cosmetic treatments in the Blackhawk area for more than 15 years. Now they are thrilled to introduce the Blackhawk Migraine Clinic led by migraine specialist, Alicia Choquette. Alicia brings over 5 years of migraine expertise to the Blackhawk Migraine Clinic and looks forward to helping patients live a better quality of life migraine free.

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